Angular cheilitis mouth cracked and painful them a chronic inflammation of the corners. This condition will last for days to months, often found cycling around the middle as usual serious can come back. The painful swelling of the mouth as he pulls at the corners is opening. In many cases, it is a fungal infection that resolved by a combination of antifungal and steroid creams may be caused.
Angular cheilitis in a few cases, however, there is a physical cause swelling of the mouth corners are chronically or chronic moisture are predisposed to infection later. This is the best age and ill-fitting dentures, full dentures where small folds of skin on the face, resulting in making the corners of the mouth can cause the closure is illustrated in wearing. It may be those with the teeth where aging (face sagging) or their natural anatomy upper lip turning down the edges with the same situation or falling on the corner of mouth. This structural change disrupted the mouth corners, the natural dam effect. Now a natural spillway (crease or fold) is created which makes the angular cheilitis long provided ideal conditions to form layers of moist with saliva.
Folds at the corners of the mouth that will not respond to conservative treatment overhanging any method with these patients, a small plastic surgery procedure can be effective. Overhanging fold of skin can be removed and taken up through a corner of mouth lift. overhanging skin (or the actual hanging skin can be removed) by removing the skin with a small triangle, the corners of the mouth is turned up and improved downturned crease. Injection fillers or fat grafts to the same corner and the crease down the remaining fat can be placed in time. These changes eliminate or decrease saliva spillway or at least it should not. This simple procedure done under local anesthesia can be easily performed in the office. Refractory cases of angular cheilitis I did this a few times and it worked well. One getting a downturned mouth or cosmetic benefit is to get rid of smile lines.
Corner of mouth lift is a procedure of last resort for angular cheilitis. The anatomy of each case and for the just right and not respond to topical treatment is well proven not to.
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13 years ago